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Whixall C.E. Primary School and Nursery



Whixall C.E. Primary School and Nursery has a friendly and welcoming atmosphere and the children mix well through the year groups as well as with their own peers. Playground Buddies and the School Council ensure playtimes are enjoyable for everyone.

The School Council encourages a sense of partnership while democratic representation provides a real context for citizenship education. Children develop useful life-skills as well as the opportunity to have their say on current issues and suggest ways to improve their school. Past achievements include:

  • New playground equipment and markings
  • New clubs
  • Break time snack shop

On Friday mornings we have a special assembly when we share children’s successes and the many positive contributions that they make to our school and the wider community.  If your child has done something outside school that they are particularly proud of (achieved a swimming award, passed a music/dance exam, scored a goal in a football match) please do tell the school office so we can celebrate their achievement in our assembly.

We want our children to be proud of their school and to feel a genuine sense of belonging.  Visit our Class Pages to learn more about what is going on in our school.