Journey Day - Pentecost
Our Pentecost Journey Day took place last week. Across the school, we took part in activities to explore its significance.
Our Pentecost Journey Day took place last week. Across the school, we participated in activities to explore its significance.
Peregrine Class started by mind-mapping connections between aspects of Pentecost. They then created art work to represent the Holy Spirit.
Mayfly Class produced some beautiful artwork linked to words and phrases associated with Pentecost.
In Skylark Class, children explored Pentecost through artwork and role play. They produced hand prints to symbolise flames and then wrote greetings in different languages to show how the Disciples were given the gift of being able to speak to others in any language.
In Robin Class, children spent time researching the meaning of Pentecost. They found out facts about it and some of the symbols used to represent it.
Children in Bumblebee and Dragonfly Classes worked together to explore symbols that represent the Holy Spirit.